Home Workout Plan For Balance, Strengthening and Toning

You can take your fitness to next level with this best home workout plan for full body balance, strengthening, improve endurance, speed, agility, power and full-body toning with this home gym setup at home. When using this program or any other, you should keep a detailed journal of the exact sets/reps and rest intervals performed, and only count the repetitions completed in strict form.

You must understand this nothing will happen overnight you must have to keep patience and follow this workout plan with the proper healthy and protein-rich diet plan for seeing good results and fast improvements.

You must learn about proper warm up and cool down after workout. click on names to find How to Warm-up before workout? and How to Cool-down after workout?. You must also learn about Static Stretching for avoid DOMS. Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is muscle pain that begins after you’ve worked out.

It is also advisable to start with light-weight a few 2-3 sets of your first exercise and consider it as your part of the warm-up. Instead of body-weights exercise you also can choose a treadmill or cross-trainer as your warm-up for 10-15 minutes before workout.

Important Note: Any Exercise With Alternating Repetition – Always Count Both Side Repetition As 1 Repetition

In this Workout Plan Body-Part Splits:

• Day 1: Upper & Lower Body
• Day 2: Core
• Day 3: Upper Body
• Day 4: Lower Body
• Day 5: Core
• Day 6: Upper & Lower Body
• Day 7: Rest

Note – Click on Any Exercise Name you can get the full guide video.

Day 1 Monday: Upper & Lower Body


1. Wall Push Ups
Flat Bench Dumbbell Chest Press
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
2. Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press !
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
3. Dumbbell Floor Straight Arm Pull Over
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
4. Dumbbell Standing triceps Extension
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
5. Standing Normal Grip Barbell Curl
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
6. Body Weight Bench Squat
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
7. Lower Back Strengthening Cobra Stretch
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
8. Body weight Plank Hold
Sets 1 Time Maximum Hold Rest 1 Minute

Day 2 Tuesday: Core


1. Pilates Leg Climbs
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
2. High Knees
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
3. Glute Bridge
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
4. Body weight Plank Hold
Sets 2 Reps Maximum Hold Rest 1 Min
5. Fast Feet Or Skipping
Sets 1 Time 5 Minute Rest 1 Min
6. Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min

Day 3 Wednesday: Upper Body


1. Beginner Bowflex Upper Body Workout – 8 exercises
20 min, Reps 5
2. Glute Bridge
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
3. Swimming Exercise
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min

Day 4 Thursday: Lower Body

1. Body Weight Bench Squat
Sets 3 Reps 12 Rest 1 Min
2. Bowflex Beginner Legs Workout – 24 min
Sets 1 Reps 5
3. Lower Back Strengthening Cobra Stretch
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
4. Glute Bridge
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min

Day 5 Friday: Core


1. Swimming Exercise
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
2. Standing Obliques
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
3. Scissors
S=Sets 1 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
4. Beginners Jumping Jacks
Sets 2 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
5. Fast Feet
Sets 1 Time 5 Minute Rest 1 Min

Day 6 Saturday: Upper & Lower Body


1. Bent Knee Push Ups
Sets 3 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
2. Glute Bridge
Sets 3 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
3. Body Weight Bench Squat
Sets 3 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
4. Jumping jacks with toe touch
Sets 3 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min
5. Opposite Arm and Leg Raise
Sets 3 Reps 8 Rest 1 Min

Day 7 Sunday: Rest

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We serve as trainers and mentors who help you reach your fitness, wellness, and health goals. As you know every individual is different so their nutrition and fitness plans. The information we provide is based on our personal experience as an online fitness trainer and nutritionist. So You must consult with your physician before following any training or diet plans on this website.