Push and pull workout

Now Melt Fat and Getting Shredded !

Push and Pull workout: This workout plan for intermediate and advance level trainee. You must learn about proper warm up and cool down after workout. click on names to find How to Warm-up before workout? and How to Cool-down after workout?. You must also learn about Static Stretching for avoid DOMS. Delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS) is muscle pain that begins after you’ve worked out.

It is also advisable to start with light-weight a few 2-3 sets of your first exercise and consider it as your part of the warm-up. if doing bodyweight workout then your body must be proper warm-up before workout. Instead of body-weights exercise you also can choose a treadmill or cross-trainer as your warm-up for 10-15 minutes before workout.

Benefits of Doing Push and Pull Workout !

1. You can train your muscles more frequently in every week as compare to other training methods.
2. Doing Monday chest, Tuesday back, Wednesday shoulder, Thursday triceps, Friday biceps, Saturday legs and Sunday off. Yes, I know few of You start feeling bored but this Push/Pull workout can eliminate your boredom.
3. Push/Pull workout is good choice for people want to improve their strength and muscle hypertrophy.
4. With the help of Push/Pull workout you can recover faster.
5. There is less chance of injuries/Over-training with Push and pull workout due to performing 1-2 exercises of each particular muscle.
6. Improve your Macrocycles, Mesocycles and Microcycles by changing the repetition Range.

Day 1 Monday: Push Workout

Rest 30 seconds only between Sets
Click on Any Exercise Name you can get the full guide video
1. Regular Grip Incline Barbell Bench Press Or Incline Dumbbell Bench Press !
Decline Wall/Bench Push Up
Sets 3 Reps 25
2. Wide Grip Decline Barbell Bench Or Decline Dumbbell Bench Press
Weighted/Normal Push Ups
Sets 4 Reps 15
3. Pec Deck Chest Fly
Sets 3 Reps 15
4. Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press
Sets 3 Reps 8
5. Seated Arnold Dumbbell Press
Sets 3 Reps 8
6. Decline Barbell Skull Crushers
Cable Push Down
Sets 3 Reps 25
7. Hyperextension Or Glute Bridge
Sets 3 Reps 12

Day 2 Tuesday: Pull Workout And Abs

1. Wide Grip Pull Ups Or Wide Grip Lat Pull Down
Sets 3 Reps 25
2. Close Grip Front Lat Pull Down
Sets 3 Reps 15
3. Wide Grip Lat Pull Down Behind the Neck Or Seated Machine Row
Sets 3 Reps 12
4. Barbell Lying On Incline Bench Curl Or Alternate Seated Dumbbell Curl
Sets 3 Reps 25
5. Lying On Flat Bench Cable Curl Or Alternate Standing Hammer Curl
Sets 3 Reps 25
6. Upright Barbell Row Or Dumbbell Shrugs
Sets 5 Reps 13


1. Hanging Straight Leg Raises Or Abdominal Crunches On Mat
Sets 3 Reps 15
2. X-Crunches Or Scissors
Sets 3 Reps 15
3. Elbow Side Plank with Leg Raise Or Elbow to knee Side Crunch
Sets 3 Reps 15
4. Weighted Long Arm Crunch ! Or Fire Hydrant
Sets 3 Reps 15
5. Double Crunches !
Sets 3 Reps 15
6. Plank Jacks Or Body weight Plank Hold
Sets 3 Reps 15 Plank Hold For Maximum
7. Hyperextension Or Glute Bridge
Sets 3 Reps 12

Day 3: Legs


1. Barbell Squat Or Body Weight Bench Squat
Sets 3 Reps 12
2. Leg Press
Sets 3 Reps 12
3. Leg Extension
Sets 4 Reps 25
4. Barbell Dead-lift Or Lying Leg Curl
Sets 3 Reps 12
5. Dumbbell Sumo Squat
Sets 3 Reps 12
6. Seated Calf Raise Toes Pointed Straight Forward
Sets 3 Reps 12
7. Hyperextension Or Glute Bridge
Sets 3 Reps 12

Day 4:Repeat Day 1

Day 5:Repeat Day 2

Day 6:Repeat Day 3

Day 7 :Rest

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We serve as trainers and mentors who help you reach your fitness, wellness, and health goals. As you know every individual is different so their nutrition and fitness plans. The information we provide is based on our personal experience as an online fitness trainer and nutritionist. So You must consult with your physician before following any training or diet plans on this website.