Alternating Jump lunges are a great body weight exercise for your lower body and cardiovascular system. Add this exercise in your plyomtric jump workout and build stronger and firm lower body quadriceps, calves, hip flexors and hamstrings muscles.

How to do Alternating Jump Lunges Exercise Properly?

Step 1. Stand tall, hand on your temples, Step forward with your one foot and slowly lower your body until your front knee is bent at least 90 degrees.
Step 2. Breath in here, while your knee is just off the floor. Keep your torso upright, chest up, look straight, the entire time.
Step 3. Breath out and Push explosively off the ground, jumping and switching the position of your legs while in mid-air, landing into the lunge position with the opposite leg forward.
Step 4. Repeat the same with other leg will count 1 repetition
Step 5. Repeat the same for complete the set.

Important Note:

Keep your chest up and abdominal engaged all the time.

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