V-Bar Pull Down is a compound exercise to target latissimus dorsi (lats) muscle. It is really very effective exercise when our main target is to get bigger wings means wider latissimus dorsi (lats) muscle.
How to do V-Bar Pull down exercise properly>
Step 1. Start with adjust the pads according your height and weight according your fitness level, now slowly Sit down at a lat pull down machine and place your knees underneath the pads, feet on the floor.
Step 2. Grab the attached V-Bar, keep your elbows close to your body, slowly Pull the V-bar toward your chest and lean slightly backward, breathe out here, pause for 1-2 seconds for contraction.
Step 3. Now breathe in and lean slightly forward and extend your arms as far high possible.
Step 4. Repeat the same for complete the set.
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Its really fruitful for health.