Plank hops is body weight exercise. You can give your body little bit challenge when you add this exercise straight after doing traditional plan hold exercise. You must do these plank hops with full speed to raise your heart beat up and get the cardio related benefits.

How to do Plan hops Exercise Properly?

Step 1. Start with hands shoulder width apart on the mat, legs feet together, toes on the floor, straight arms plan hold position.
Step 2. Now Pull your abs in, and jump your feet together to the right, bringing your knees toward your right elbow. Your torso must twist to the right as far as possible.
Step 3. Again Jump your feet back to plank position.
Step 4. Do the same to left side.
Step 5. Repeat the same for complete the set.

Important Note:

Try to perform this exercise with full speed with right posture.

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